The boss of Black Rock married his son in Kranidi

The Grand Prix of Monaco, which took place last Sunday, brought together the Principality several Greek big business backers. Some of them remained in the French Riviera for the private dinner of filmmaker George Lucas. But most returned to Greece. In Kranidi, a few kilometers before porto-Beverly-Heli. The atmosphere of the weekend reminded of something from the cosmopolitan spots of South France. Bankers, personalities of the international jet set, Russians, Americans and Arabs have reached the former tycoons ' humble ' this piece of land the Peloponnesian League. Motor yachts, speedboats, but helicopters carrying guests to a luxury hotel.

 One of the strongest economic factors globally, "a lot," Mr. Douglas Laurence Fink, chairman and chief executive officer of Black Rock, married his son with a beauty of Russian origin. The "AmanZoe" turned the whole of the Jewish super-rich Larry. The guests ' thrown ' in Greece from Los Angeles, New York, Colorado, Moscow, London and Geneva. Mr. Fink, according to secure information by Mr. Delmouzou - Kassandri, has already acquired a villa in glamorous band with blue background. Oh! Mon Dieu! This summer I'm sure I'll live in a cloud of incredible opulence and Flash unique ...»
Source: Financial Times